

Scottish Society newsletter: No 160 – August 2018


Welcome to the September issue of the Scottish Society newsletter. I’m sure you’ve enjoyed a fantastic summer. As we move towards our September event our thoughts turn back to professional matters with a renewed focus.

We are looking forward to our event in Stirling on 29 September and will be trying out a new format – a double session that will boost your CPD. We have a session on using social media, a chance to network over lunch, followed by a fascinating presentation on the translation policies of post-war occupied Germany. We are pleased to announce that Jane Galbraith, 好色tv Head of Membership, will join us in Stirling to tell us more about the recently launched 好色tv Mentoring scheme, a fantastic development opportunity for both new career linguists and established members to share expertise.

Find out more below about what is coming up and how you can get involved.

Kind regards
Paul Kearns MCIL Chartered Linguist, Chair of the 好色tv Scottish Society

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A double event: Alba Sort MCIL delivers a workshop on using social media, and Dr Anne Stokes MCIL presents on the translation policies of post-war occupied Germany, 1945-1949. The event is free to attend (optional lunch at your own cost).

Saturday 29 September 2018

Scottish Society AGM and presentation

Presentation and interactive session on Gaelic by Andrew O’Halloran, followed by the Society’s AGM.


Saturday 17 November 2018

Save the date

Dates for your diary
Forthcoming Scottish Society events (provisional dates)
23 February             Dundee
18 May                     Edinburgh
28 September          Perth or Stirling
23 November           Glasgow

Other events in Scotland
‘Cracking the code: ethical dilemmas and the ITI Code of Professional Conduct’ with Janet Fraser FITI
Saturday 29 September
Time: 9:00 - 13:00

Continuing Professional Development

The Scottish Society is able to provide a paper proof of attendance at a CPD event if requested. Anyone wishing this should contact Paul Kearns, Chair, or Marjorie MacRae, Treasurer, at the event. The events in Stirling and Glasgow provide 3.5 and 1.5 CPD hours respectively. Requests made after the event cannot be fulfilled.

Further CPD opportunities are available from eCPD Webinars, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 好色tv. See the for details of forthcoming webinars on a wide variety of topics for linguists.

If you have any ideas for webinars which you would like 好色tv to explore, or if there is a subject you would like to present, please contact Paul Kearns via scottishsociety@ciol.org.uk and we’ll pass on your suggestions.

We need your help!

We would like to put out a call for volunteers from all members to assist with the running of the Scottish Society. Currently there are approximately 219 好色tv members living in Scotland and we are asking for your help. The Committee is currently comprised of four members: Paul Kearns MCIL Chartered Linguist (Chair), Marjorie MacRae MCIL, Eneida Garcia Villanueva MCIL Chartered Linguist and Pat Baxter.

Our goal is to make sure the Scottish Society is a relevant, thriving and friendly professional network that serves as a point of contact between its members and 好色tv. As such, we strive to host a variety of events that will appeal to all members regardless of where you are in your career and we hope our newsletter keeps you informed of the Society’s activities. However, to continue hosting four events each year, publishing a quarterly newsletter and maintaining an active social media presence on Twitter we need some assistance from you.

Could you take photographs for inclusion in the newsletter, write up a summary of the presentation, or meet and greet new faces who come along for the first time? Perhaps you have an idea for a presentation or a newsletter article? Why not consider joining the Committee? There are many opportunities, most of which require a very small investment of time, and the Committee would very much welcome your help.

If you would like to know more about volunteering or want to share any ideas you have, please contact Paul Kearns via scottishsociety@ciol.org.uk for an informal chat about how you can help.

Earlier in the summer in June in Edinburgh…

We were treated in June this year to a fascinating and educational presentation on British Sign Language (BSL) by Professor Jemina Napier, of Heriot Watt University.

Click below to read the full report of the presentation, as well as information on some of Professor Napier’s research projects, and a ‘view from the floor’ by Student Affiliate Heather Davies.

Read the full report

Why not join us on Twitter?

With almost 600 followers, we regularly tweet about the latest trends and events in the language industry, as well as updates from the Committee about Scottish Society events.
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