
好色tv Scottish Society

Scottish Society newsletter: No 161 – November 2018


I’m very pleased to welcome you to the November issue of the Scottish Society newsletter. We had a fantastic CPD event in September in Stirling to kick off the new membership year and to celebrate International Translation Day. It was also a pleasure to welcome 好色tv Head of Membership, Jane Galbraith to Stirling as she discussed the 好色tv Mentoring scheme. We hope to see you all again during the course of the year at various locations across Scotland.

Preparations for our November event are well underway and you can register via Eventbrite. We will also hold our AGM as part of the November meeting and I want to extend a warm welcome to all our members across Scotland. You can find the agenda on the Scottish Society webpage of the 好色tv website under the AGM tab. If you have the time, please do come along to this important meeting. The AGM is your opportunity to learn more about what we’ve achieved over the past year, as well as learn about our plans for next year and we want all 好色tv members across Scotland to be at the centre of everything we do as a Committee. At the AGM we will also be electing the Committee members. If you’re thinking about volunteering and you have the time to get involved, then please do join us at the AGM.

There are many other opportunities to help out from volunteering for the Committee to writing an article for the newsletter. We are also looking for volunteers who are willing help out at our regular events. Perhaps you have an idea for a presentation? Or a meeting venue? If you would like to have a chat about volunteering or want to share any ideas you have, please contact me via scottishsociety@ciol.org.uk for an informal chat about how you can help get involved.

Kind regards
Paul Kearns MCIL Chartered Linguist, Chair of the 好色tv Scottish Society

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Gaelic Language Planning Presentation and Scottish Society AGM

Saturday 17 November 2018
12:45 – 16:00

Andrew O’Halloran, who is responsible for delivering locally the Scottish Government’s initiative on rolling out Gaelic across Scotland, will give a presentation on Gaelic which will include an interactive session. The presentation will be followed by the AGM.

Bookings close on 16 November 2018.

2019 dates for your diary

Forthcoming Scottish Society events (provisional dates)
23 February Dundee
18 May Edinburgh
28 September Perth or Stirling
23 November Glasgow

'Social Media for Linguists' and ‘Translation in occupied Germany, 1945–1949’ event in Stirling

On 29 September 2018 we were excited to have two very interesting presentations on two very different topics. Alba Sort MCIL delivered a workshop about social media and how linguists can best utilise it for their language business. This was followed by a presentation by Dr Anne Stokes MCIL who spoke about translation in occupied Germany, 1945-1949. We ended the day with an update from Jane Galbraith, Head of Membership, who explained how the new 好色tv Mentoring scheme works and called for mentors and mentees to sign up.

Click below to read the full report of the event.

Read more

Continuing Professional Development

The Scottish Society is able to provide a paper proof of attendance at a CPD event if requested. Anyone wishing this should contact Paul Kearns, Chair, or Marjorie MacRae, Treasurer, at the event. The events in Stirling and Glasgow provide 3.5 and 1.5 CPD hours respectively. Requests made after the event unfortunately cannot be fulfilled.

Further CPD opportunities are available from eCPD Webinars, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 好色tv. See the for details of forthcoming webinars on a wide variety of topics for linguists.

If you have any ideas for webinars which you would like 好色tv to explore, or if there is a subject you would like to present, please contact Paul Kearns via scottishsociety@ciol.org.uk and we’ll pass on your suggestions.

Volunteering with 好色tv’s Scottish Society – a summary by Niamh Walsh

As a student of Translation and Interpreting at Heriot Watt University, I had heard a lot about 好色tv so I decided to volunteer at one of the 好色tv Scottish Society’s events this September. I saw this as a unique opportunity to get involved in the real world of translation and interpreting to meet other linguists and to explore topics of interest to industry professionals.

Since networking plays a key role in developing a professional career, I would strongly encourage new graduates, students or those interested in expanding their network to attend or to volunteer at a 好色tv event. In addition, there is also the opportunity to meet with other members in a more casual setting, at lunchtime for example, and many enjoy meeting somewhere close-by afterwards, such as in a cafe or pub.

At this event at the University of Stirling, I had the pleasure of meeting and greeting members and delegates as they arrived (and throughout) while helping to ensure the event ran smoothly. With regard to what you can learn, many interesting topics covering a wide range of issues were discussed by the two speakers. At this event, we were delighted to hear from Alba Sort, who talked about social media for linguists and how it can be a great tool for advancing your career. After lunch Dr Anne Stokes gave a fascinating talk on translation in the context of WWII Germany.

This was an excellent experience from start to finish and one I would highly recommend to anyone interested in starting a career in translation or interpreting, or to anyone who is just keen to get involved in a very informative, interesting and fun day!

Niamh Walsh, MSc Translation and Interpreting (French and German)

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