
Chartered Institute
of Linguists

ɫtv Translators Day 2024 - Presentations

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Conference Presentations

Chris Durban -How to build client trust:empowering clients, empowering ourselvesand delivering the goods

Insights into “the current state of the industry” are often an exercise in silo thinking, sometimes driven by vested interests and at times a genuinely blinkered, self-confident analyses of “experts” trapped in their own market segments/business models.

To successfully connect with serious - and potentially attractive - clients who cannot assess what they're getting, Chris recommends stepping back for a broader view before jumping into the granular. See Chris's conference slides here

Chris Durban is a freelance translator and writer specialising in investor relations, corporate communications and business. Her clients are listed companies, large corporations & SMEs, market operators, and regional development authoritiesin France and other countries.

Claudia Wiesinger- Post-editing for translators - the theory and practice

English-to-German freelance translator specialising in product marketing, Claudia also teaches an introduction to Machine Translation and Post-editing at the University of Vienna’s Centre for Translation Studies. Her talk covered the theory of post-editing, the differences between translation, revision and post-editing, and common machine translation errors to watch out for. See Claudia's conference slides here

Claudia Wiesinger holds an MA in Literary and Cultural Studies from the University of Salzburg and an MA in Applied Translation Studies from the University of Leeds. She is currently working as a graduate research assistant at the University of Vienna Centre for Translation Studies. Her research interests include crisis communication and the role of translation, the effects of speech technologies on translation, revision and post-editing machine translation (PEMT) tasks, and computer-aided translation and revision practices.

Tracey Byrne - Re-Imagining translation productivity: unleashing the power of AI and LLMs

AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming the way translators work. As well as highlighting some of the ways AI can be applied throughout the translation process, Tracey also shared the new Linguistic AI capabilities now available in Trados Studio 2022 and how they can help to enhance the consistency and accuracy of translations.

See Tracey's conference slides here

Tracey Byrne is Principal Solutions Consultant at RWS

Dom Hebblethwaite - Sentiment & Surveys: 100 Conversations and other recent surveys

Drawing on ɫtv Chair Steve Doswell's ‘100 Conversations’ research, Dom Hebbletwaite shared the latest qualitative and quantitative surveys, covering market changes, translator's views of threats and opportunities, AI and tech, specialisation, diversification, adaptation and the central importance of both the cultural and linguistic skills of translators.

See Dom's conference slides here

Dom Hebblethwaite is ɫtv's Head of Membership, an Italian linguist with extensive experience of CAT tools and Translation management technology from his time dealingwith companies working with both in-house and freelance translators.

Dr Joseph Lambert & Dr Callum Walker - A changing market: money, status, and technology

Many translators feel underpaid and money matters remain a chief ethical and pragmatic concern, leavingtranslators feeling under threat from disruptive technologies, 'Uberisation', and non-professional translation, now more than ever.

Dr Joseph Lambert, Lecturer in Translation Studies at Cardiff andDr Callum Walker MCIL CL and Professor of Translation Technology at Leeds – Joseph and Callum expanded on their “Because we’re worth it: disentangling freelance translation, status, and rate-setting” report, introducing new themes based on their latest projects, Joseph and Callum also considered potential channels to buoy status and improve rate-setting practices in the translation industry. See their conference presentation here

Dr Joseph Lambert is a Lecturer in Translation Studies at Cardiff University and teaches across the BA and MA programmes in Translation. His primary area of research interest is the ethics of translation. Like his teaching, this work sits at the interface between translation theory and practice. He has recently published a textbook with Routledge entitled Translation Ethics and has authored and co-authored several articles and book chapters relating to the translation profession, questions of pay, status, and regulation in the UK, and translation codes of ethics. He also has significant experience as a freelance translator.

Dr Callum Walker is an Associate Professor of Translation Technology at the University of Leeds, where he teaches computer-assisted translation technology, project management, translation theory, and specialised translation. Alongside his academic roles, he has worked as a freelance translator since 2009 (French and Russian into English) and small translation business owner, as well as being a Chartered Linguist, Member of the ɫtv, and Member of the ITI. His research interests relate to translation industry studies, with a specific focus on project management (culminating in the recent Routledge textbook Translation Project Management), micro- and information economics, and the interaction between technology and translation workflows.