
Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Anglophoner Tag 2018: Translating the Arts – The Art of Translation

Event report

ByMike Harrington, ɫtv German Society

It was our turn this year to host the Anglophoner Tag and, at the suggestion of Walter Chromik, who has links to this fine old university city, we had chosen Greifswald in Pomerania, that province in the far north-east of Germany with its rich, Swedish-influenced history. Greifswald and the surrounding area were immortalised in the paintings of Caspar David Friedrich, one of its most famous sons. The 2018 Anglophoner Tag included an exploration of the visual art of Caspar David Friedrich as well as translation in a selection of the other arts.

History was the setting for our first activity, a guided tour of the university on Friday afternoon. We met at the Rubenow Monument in front of the university for“Sechs Jahrhunderte Universitätsgeschichte in einem Rundgang”. Two student guides divided us into two groups and, before entering the university itself, we listened to an explanation of the monument. This featured several stone portraits of the city's worthies and regional princes over the ages, including the Mayor of Rubenow himself, who founded the university with papal encouragement in 1456. The university owned 8,000 hectares of landed property, so plenty of land to build on. The buildings are sumptuous. Our tour through the magnificent halls took us to the amazing conference/concert/lecture hall, underneath the library and surrounded by stone columns to support the weight of the books above. This ”Aula” is most probably the setting for Hermann Kant's famous novel of the same name set in the time of the GDR.

The gallery above the hall and several neighbouring rooms are studded with the portraits of the university's “Rektoren” (vice-chancellors) throughout the ages, exclusively male until at last the first “Rektorin”, Hannelore Weber, was appointed in 2013. In previous times, pain and pleasure seem to have coexisted in the university: in the graffiti-adorned detention cell, the “Karzer”, students convicted of being drunk or fighting in the streets, were incarcerated and fed on meagre rations. This was, of course, regarded as a mark of honour.

Read the full report here

The Anglophoner Tag is an event for members of ɫtv and a number of other associations and networks of translators who work from/into German into/from English that takes place every year. It is now the turn of the ɫtv German Society to host this event. We selected Greifswald as our venue because it and the surrounding area were immortalised inthe paintings of Caspar David Friedrich, one of its most famous sons. The 2018 Anglophoner Tag will include an exploration of the visual art ofas well as translation in a selection of the other arts.

The cultural centre is in the heart of the city, close to the cathedral. Onit is labelled no. 13.

Please note: Tickets are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Friday 15 June

16:00 (approx.): Optional guided tour of Greifswald University, one of the oldest in Germany with its historicAulaandKarzerand theSt Nikolaicathedral.

19:00: Networking dinner in Greifswald (à la carte, individual payment). A suitable place will be booked once numbers are known.

Saturday 16 June

8:30: Registration and networking over coffee

9:00–13:00: Conference (including breaks)

13:00: Buffet lunch in in the cultural centre

14:00–17:00:Conference(including a guided tour of the Caspar David Friedrich Zentrum and coffee break)

Confirmed Speakers

  • Alexandra Jones (ɫtv) – Translating poetry
  • Nick Tanner (ITI) – Translating Harry Potter
  • Prof Harry Walter (Greifswald University) – Translating proverbs
  • Andrea Kirchhartz (VdÜ) – Translating subtitles


Networking dinner in Wieck at a fish restaurant (vegetarian options available)

Wieck is a delightful old fishing village (a 20-minute bus ride from the centre of Greifswald). Before or after dinner you can stroll over to see the ruins of Eldena Abbey and/or the landscape around the pier at the mouth of the river Ryck, which all feature in Caspar David Friedrich’s paintings.

Sunday 17 June

10:30 (approx.): Guided tour of Greifswald city centre with a history professor from Greifswald University

Networking lunch in Greifswald (à la carte, individual payment). A suitable place will be booked once numbers are known.

Travel to Greifswald

From Berlin Schönefeld Airport take a train to Berlin Hbf and from there you can get direct trains to Greifswald (journey time approx. 3 hours).

From Berlin Tegel Airport airport take the 'Expressbus TXL' to Berlin Hbf.

From Rostock-Laage Airport (for flights from/to Munich and Stuttgart) take a bus to Rostock Hbf and from there you can get direct trains to Greifswald (journey time a little more than 1 hour).


We have arranged for Greifswald Marketing to handle all the accommodation reservations for Anglophone Tag participants.We would encourage you to book your hotel/B&B as soon as possible. June is high season and you could end up with no accommodation if you leave it too late

You can choose to stay in a hotel, B&B or a private room (the prices range from 20.00 EUR right up to 105.00 EUR) in either Greifswald city centre or in the charming fishing village of Wieck (regular daily bus service, journey time approx. 20 minutes from the city centre).Please download and complete the '', scan and e-mail to: stadtinformation@greifswald-marketing.de.


The charge to attend this event is 80.00 EUR (which includes beverages and lunch during the conference plus all the guided tours during the weekend). If you would like to bring your partner/a guest along for the weekend and would like them to join the guided tours and attend the networking dinners there is an additional fee of 25.00 EUR.

At this stage, please reserve your tickets online here on Eventbrite. ɫtv will contact you in due course to request payment. Please note that once you have reserved your ticket(s) this is binding and payment will be due.

Deadline for conference reservation

15 April 2018.Please note places are limited and will be allocated on a first come. first served basis.


The conference fee (80.00 EUR) and guest fee (25.00 EUR) are non-refundable and must be paid when requested by ɫtv on behalf of the German Society.

June 15th, 2018 4:00 PM to June 17th, 2018 4:00 PM
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