
Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Find an Interpreter

What is the main language that requires interpretation?

What is the other language that the main language requires interpretation into? or,

What is the other language of the conversation requiring interpretation?

If the situation is a conversation that needs to be interpreted both ways, select "Yes".

Name City Country / Territory Chartered? Membership grade Profile link
Mr Sana KHOKHAR Glasgow United Kingdom Member View
Mr Manohar WHIG North Wembley United Kingdom Member View
Mr Daniele ARATI Swindon United Kingdom Member View
Ms Sarah TRIPEPI WINTERINGHAM Trieste Italy Member View
Ms Helle KAISER-NIELSEN CHELTENHAM United Kingdom Member View
Miss Simona Iancu London United Kingdom Member View
Ms Vasiliki PRESTIDGE London United Kingdom Member View
Mrs Mayssa Allaf London United Kingdom Member View
Ms Marta Isabel Borges London United Kingdom Member View
Mrs Raheleh GHIASVAND GHAZVINI London United Kingdom Fellow View